State of Maine Studies Tensar Living Shoreline Solution in Geological Survey

by Steve Williams, P.E., on October 29, 2020

Georeef maineHardened shorelines, such as bulkheads, are methods commonly used to protect against coastal erosion. However, it's been found that they may actually encourage erosion instead. These structures deflect the wave energy to other areas along the shore, causing nearby areas without coastal protection to suffer. It's no wonder that the State of Maine has been studying another option for coastal protection - living shorelines. Living shorelines use natural materials that grow over time, ultimately slowing down erosion while enhancing wildlife habitats.  

Tensar GeoReefs are engineered structures filled with oyster shells designed to absorb wave energy and improve breakwater effectiveness. GeoReefs were recently part of a pilot project by the University of North Carolina Marine Sciences department and now most recently part of a study by the State of Maine. Those wanting to learn more about living shoreline strategies will find this article on the Maine survey interesting, offering background and details of the study.

Maine Geological Survey