How to Install Tensar TriAx Geogrids on Roadway Projects

by Tensar International , on September 14, 2018

As traffic loads continue to increase and our roadways and budgets buckle under this overwhelming use, the need for improved pavement performance is more critical than ever.

Tensar’s TriAx geogrids help agencies, engineers, owners and contractors improve their bottom line by stabilizing their pavement foundations and saving time, money and materials. The stackable rolls can be stored anywhere, are easy to handle and and easy to cut in the field. They make it simple to adapt to curves and utility projections. The biggest advantage in installation – you can roll Tensar TriAx geogrids out onto the subgrade and walk on them, even in the weakest soil conditions. Adjacent rolls of geogrids normally don’t require any connection, since aggregate fill simultaneously interlocks with overlapping geogrid apertures. A simple overlap is sufficient and no sewing is required.

Installation is easy.

Watch the "How to Install Tensar TriAx Geogrids on Roadway Projects" Video




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