Confirmed: TriAx Geogrid Improves Pavement Performance

by Mark Wayne, Ph.D, P.E., on February 11, 2020

Many early geogrid studies were performed on unpaved sections over soft soils or on paved sections with soft subgrades. However, recent research by the US Army Corps of Engineers aimed to compare performance of TriAx Geogrid versus conventional methods over stiff to very stiff subgrade soils.

This video provides an overview of the research based on trafficking that exceeded 800,000 ESALs. Findings from this study showed that Tensar TriAx Geogrids could reduce asphalt thickness by 25% and aggregate base thickness by 25%, while still improving pavement performance over stiff soils by approximately 62%. Values used within Tensar’s SpectraPave design software, which has been reviewed and validated by independent experts, were also shown to be conservative. 



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