A Better Construction Solution for Weak Subgrades

by George Charalambous, P.E., on July 20, 2022

Weak subgrades are a common problem during the construction of both paved and unpaved structures. When weak subgrades remain unstabilized, repeated traffic loading will cause deformation (or rutting) to occur quickly, which will result in serious maintenance issues and a shorter design life of the structure. How does a designer ensure that these structures last as long as they should?

There are several methods used to address unsuitable subgrades such as over excavation, chemical treatments, and the usage of geotextiles. However, the problem with these solutions is that they are usually more expensive than most people realize since they often require more granular fill and take longer to construct.

InterAx geogridFortunately, Tensar geogrid is a proven soil stabilization solution that is more cost-effective and reliable than regular subgrade stabilization methods. Tensar geogrids have tall and thin rib members that allow soil particles to strike through and interlock. This mechanism confines and locks these particles in place, which in return creates a stiff granular fill layer of thickness. Its optimized geometry provides multi-directional load-transferring properties that improve the long-term performance of paved and unpaved structures by distributing traffic loads more efficiently over a larger area.

Webinar: Geogrid Fundamentals for Subgrade Stabilization

This webinar introduces the use of geogrids for soil stabilization applications, and their performance mechanisms and benefits for construction. We also discuss how geogrids compare to conventional stabilization methods as well as other geosynthetics. Finally, we offer guidance for design and a discuss performance and specification criteria.

Watch the Webinar